Welcome to the ImageSAFE Reporting Site

This is not an emergency reporting system. If this is an urgent matter, please immediately dial 911.

Participants, Parents, and Administrators share the responsibility for an orderly and safe digital environment. Information about violence, cyberbullying, malware, and other incidents which may be harmful to our digital environment should be reported. This system is designed to empower reporters to share information they may have about a past, present or future instance of inappropriate digital behavior.

This report is not intended to replace direct contact with administration. Please feel free to contact us with any issues or concerns you may have. Together, we can make the internet safer for everyone!

We can offer this reporting site anonymously.  However, we can't guarantee that we can follow-up with you unless we have your name and a way to contact you by either phone or e-mail.


To begin, please choose your session and your age group: